The heartbeat of Tayo Collective.


Here you will find a collection of their personal stories, shared with permission.



"I was working in a bar in Mindoro, Philippines since 2007 and my sister was working in Angeles City where she met Wipe Every Tear outreach and she joined right after. After a year, she encouraged me to join even if I already have a son. Wipe Every Tear helped me with my studies especially, as well as the needs of my son.

My son is my inspiration to finish my studies and give him a good futureBeing a part of Tayo Collective helped me sustain my needs and hopefully soon I can also help my parents with what I earn from it.” - Ami 


"Being part of Wipe Every Tear is such a blessing because the more I stay with my Wipe Every Tear family the more I get closer to God. They became my second family and also I learned to be more independent because I'm living far away from my own family. They are the creations of God who teach me to be near him and let me know that I have worth and I deserve to be called His Masterpiece. 

"Joining Tayo gave me more self-confidence . Nothing is impossible now that I believe more in the Lord and myself. I believe everything can be achieved with the help of God because at first I didn't think that I can do it and that I can learn how to make it, but I pushed myself to try and learn and now I believe that I'm more confident at what I can do." - Maya


"I was a part of another ministry for women before being referred to Wipe Every Tear because I really wanted to study college. Wipe Every Tear has been a huge help to me, being here changed my life's direction. I was given a chance to study, to dream again, which I thought I would never be able to achieve, but here I am now being supported in my education and the road I'm taking. Tayo has given me a chance to show my talents in jewelry making and to earn through it and support my kids." -Jess