Who We Are & Why We Exist

Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” Mark 5:41

TAYO is the Tagalog word meaning, to let stand or to build,” and is also the pronoun for “we.” In sum, TAYO means, “to stand, to build, together,” and these attributes are precisely the core values of who we are. 

Tayo Collective artisans are brave rescued women from sex trafficking in the Philippines 


These women have stepped out of slavery and into a life of freedom. They have chosen to leave the bars where they were once trafficked, manipulated, sold, and exploited. Accepting the invitation from Wipe Every Tear to come live, eat, and go to college all for FREE! Lots of girls in the bars can't accept this amazing opportunity simply because they need money for their families back home. Money that working in the bars provides. They can't only think about themselves pursuing an education, but need to keep their family in mind. 





Then began Tayo Collective. In 2015, a team of women missionaries and a Filipina conceptualized Tayo's jewelry. We wanted a way for these fearless women to not only go to school and educate themselves but to also make money along the way. 



We wanted to create something they would be proud of and be passionate about. We wanted to create with them beautiful things that remind them of dignity & hope.



Crafted and designed by powerful women with real life stories of redemption. Each piece of jewelry carries a message of hope. From darkness to light. From slavery to freedom. The same hands that once were held in bondage are now alive and creating new things. 






We exist to bring freedom & hope.

We exist to help each rescued woman experience true freedom from slavery and abuse.

We exist to create beautiful things by the hands of women that were once held but have been freed.

We exist to give her better choices, opportunities and help her step into the light and live the life she deserves.